
SVG Image

It is used to render vector images. We can display images, icons, texts using this widget. SVGs are vector images and therefore are usually much smaller in file-size than bitmap-based images.

Developers prefer having SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) files as they are scalable and will render pixel-perfect at any resolution whereas JPEGs, PNGs and GIFs will not.

ToolJet - Widget Reference - SVG


SVG Data

Enter the SVG data of the image to display it on the widget.


Refer to the resources where SVG files are downloaded for free. You copy-paste the below data in this field to see a new icon being rendered.

<svg fill="#000000" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"  viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="32px" height="32px"><path d="M 7.5 1 C 3.910156 1 1 3.90625 1 7.488281 C 1 10.355469 2.863281 12.789063 5.445313 13.648438 C 5.769531 13.707031 6 13.375 6 13.125 C 6 12.972656 6.003906 12.789063 6 12.25 C 4.191406 12.640625 3.625 11.375 3.625 11.375 C 3.328125 10.625 2.96875 10.410156 2.96875 10.410156 C 2.378906 10.007813 3.011719 10.019531 3.011719 10.019531 C 3.664063 10.0625 4 10.625 4 10.625 C 4.5 11.5 5.628906 11.414063 6 11.25 C 6 10.851563 6.042969 10.5625 6.152344 10.378906 C 4.109375 10.019531 2.996094 8.839844 3 7.207031 C 3.003906 6.242188 3.335938 5.492188 3.875 4.9375 C 3.640625 4.640625 3.480469 3.625 3.960938 3 C 5.167969 3 5.886719 3.871094 5.886719 3.871094 C 5.886719 3.871094 6.453125 3.625 7.496094 3.625 C 8.542969 3.625 9.105469 3.859375 9.105469 3.859375 C 9.105469 3.859375 9.828125 3 11.035156 3 C 11.515625 3.625 11.355469 4.640625 11.167969 4.917969 C 11.683594 5.460938 12 6.210938 12 7.207031 C 12 8.839844 10.890625 10.019531 8.851563 10.375 C 8.980469 10.570313 9 10.84375 9 11.25 C 9 12.117188 9 12.910156 9 13.125 C 9 13.375 9.226563 13.710938 9.558594 13.648438 C 12.140625 12.785156 14 10.355469 14 7.488281 C 14 3.90625 11.089844 1 7.5 1 Z"/></svg>



A Tooltip is often used to specify extra information about something when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the widget.

Under the General accordion, you can set the value in the string format. Now hovering over the widget will display the string as the tooltip.

ToolJet - Widget Reference - SVG


Show on desktop

Toggle on or off to display the widget in desktop view. You can programmatically determine the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}.

Show on mobile

Toggle on or off to display the widget in mobile view. You can programmatically determine the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}.



Toggle on or off to control the visibility of the widget. You can programmatically change its value by clicking on the Fx button next to it. If {{false}} the widget will not be visible after the app is deployed. By default, it's set to {{true}}.