

Text widget can be used to display text.


Users cannot enter and edit text.

How To Use Text Widget



This property sets the content/text inside the Text widget. Refer your query data with dynamic variables {{queries.datasource.data.text}} or populate it with sample values Text goes here !.

Show loading state

Toggle on or off to show or hide the loading state. You can also click on the Fx next to it to set the value {{true}} and {{false}} dynamically. Shows a loading status if the value is true. This property is often used with the isLoading property of queries so that the table shows a spinner while the query is being run. Default value is false.



A Tooltip is often used to specify extra information about something when the user hovers the mouse pointer over the widget.

Under the General accordion, you can set the value in the string format. Now hovering over the widget will display the string as the tooltip.

ToolJet - Widget Reference - Text


Show on desktop

Toggle on or off to display the widget in desktop view. You can programmatically determine the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}.

Show on mobile

Toggle on or off to display the widget in mobile view. You can programmatically determine the value by clicking on Fx to set the value {{true}} or {{false}}.


Font WeightYou can change the font weight of the text in following ways: normal (default), bold, lighter, bolder
Text DecorationYou can change the text decoration in following ways : none(default), overline, line-through, underline, overline underline
Text TransformationYou can transform the text in following ways: none (default), uppercase, lowercase, capitalize
Font StyleYou can change the font style in following ways: normal(default), italic, oblique
Line HeightYou can change the line height by providing number as input (example - 1.5)
Text IndentYou can change the text indent by providing the number as input (example - 10)
Letter SpacingYou can change the letter spacing by providing the number as input (example - 2)
Word SpacingYou can change the letter spacing by providing the number as input (example - 2)
Font VariantYou can change the font variant of the text in the following ways: normal (default), small-caps, initial, inherit
Text SizeBy default, the text size is set to 14. You can enter any value from 1-100 to set custom text size.
Background ColorYou can change the background color of the text component by entering the Hex color code or choosing a color of your choice from the color picker.
Text ColorYou can change the color of the text by entering the Hex color code or choosing a color of your choice from the color picker.
Align TextYou can align the text inside the widget in following ways: left, right, center, justified


This is to control the visibility of the widget. If {{false}} the widget will not visible after the app is deployed. It can only have boolean values i.e. either {{true}} or {{false}}. By default, it's set to {{true}}.


This property only accepts boolean values. If set to {{true}}, the widget will be locked and becomes non-functional. By default, its value is set to {{false}}.


Any property having Fx button next to its field can be programmatically configured.