📄️ Show alert
This action allows you to display an alert message.
📄️ Logout
This action allows you to log out of the application (ToolJet).
📄️ Run Query
This action allows you to fire queries when an event occurs.
📄️ Open webpage
You can use this action to open a webpage(on a new tab) for any event.
📄️ Go to app
This action allows you to open any ToolJet application when an event occurs.
📄️ Show modal
Use this action to show the modal for an event.
📄️ Close modal
Use this action to close the modal that is already shown.
📄️ Copy to clipboard
Use this action to copy the text to the clipboard.
📄️ Set localStorage
This action allows you to specify a key and its corresponding value to be stored in localStorage.
📄️ Generate file
This action allows you to construct files on the fly and let users download it.
📄️ Set Table Page
Use this action to change the page index in the table widget.
📄️ Set variable
This action allows you to create a variable and assign a value to it.
📄️ Unset variable
This action allows you to removev the variable variable that was created using the set variable action.
📄️ Control component
Control component action invokes the component specific actions. Component specific actions are the actions that are exclusive actions for a particular widget. Component specific actions can be triggered either through the event handlers or from the Run JavaScript code query.