

ToolJet can trigger n8n workflows using webhook URLs. Please refer this to know more about n8n.


Go to the data source manager on the left sidebar and click on + button to add new data source. Select n8n from the list of available data sources in the modal that pops-up.

n8n webhooks can be called with or without an Authentication. You can keep the Authentication type as none if your webhook didn't have one or if it has one then you can choose the one from the dropdown and provide credentials:

Authentication Types

  • Basic Auth: To connect your n8n webhooks using basic auth you'll need to provide the following credentials:
    • Username
    • Password
n8n basicauth
  • Header Auth: To connect your n8n webhooks using header auth the following fields are required:
    • Name / Key
    • Value
n8n headerauth

Webhook credentials and instance credentials are different. Please use the credentials that you use with the webhook trigger. Know more: Webhook Authentication.

Trigger Workflow

Click on + button of the query manager at the bottom panel of the editor and the select n8n as the datasource.

You can trigger a workflow with GET/POST URL. Choose the request type from the Methods dropdown and then provide the required fields:

  • URL parameters (Support for GET & POST) Optional
  • Body (Only for POST URL) Required
n8n query