

ToolJet can connect to CouchDB databases to read and write data. CocuhDB uses basic auth for authentication , username and password for the database is required to create an CouchDB data source on ToolJet. For more info visit CouchDB docs.

Couch auth

Supported queries:


NOTE: Record ID is same as document ID("_id") .

Listing records

This query lists all the records in a database.

Optional parameters:

  • Include docs
  • Descending order
  • Limit
  • Skip

descending (boolean) – Return the documents in descending order by key. Default is false.

limit (number) – Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number.

skip (number) – Skip this number of records before starting to return the results. Default is 0.

include_docs (boolean) – include_docs key is set to false by default , if true it returns the document data along with the default fields.

Couch listing

Example response from CouchDb:

"total_rows": 3,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f000dc2",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f000dc2",
"value": {
"rev": "1-0cc7f48876f15883394e5c139c628123"
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00216e",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00216e",
"value": {
"rev": "1-b3c45696b10cb08221a335ff7cbd8b7a"
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00282a",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00282a",
"value": {
"rev": "1-da5732beb913ecbded309321cac892d2"

Retrieving a record

Required parameters:

  • Record ID
Couch retrieve view

Example response from CouchDb:

"_id": "e33dc4e209689cb0400d095fc401a1e0",
"_rev": "1-a62af8e14451af88c150e7e718b7a0e8",
"0": {
"name": "test data"

The returned JSON is the JSON of the document, including the document ID and revision number:

Creating a record

Couch create view

Example Records:


Click on the run button to run the query.


NOTE: Query must be saved before running.

Example response from CouchDb:

"ok": true,
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f0049a2",
"rev": "1-b0a625abc4e21ee554737920156e911f"

Updating a record

You can get the revision id value, by sending a GET request to get the document details. You get the document as JSON in the response. For each update to the document, the revision field "_rev" gets changed.

Required parameters:

  • Revision ID
  • Record ID
Couch update view

Example body:


Click on the run button to run the query.


NOTE: Query must be saved before running.

Example response from CouchDb:

"ok": true,
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f0049a2",
"rev": "2-b0a625abc4e21ee554737920156e911f"

Deleting a record

Required parameters:

  • Revision ID
  • Record ID
Couch delete view

Click on the run button to run the query.

Example response from CouchDb:

"ok": true,
"id": "rev_id=2-3d01e0e87139c57e9bd083e48ecde13d&record_id=e33dc4e209689cb0400d095fc401a1e0",
"rev": "1-2b99ef28c03e68ea70bb668ee55ffb7b"


Find documents using a declarative JSON querying syntax.

Required parameters:

  • Selector
Couch find

Example body:

"selector": {
"year": {"$gte": 2015}
"fields": ["year"]

Click on the run button to run the query.


NOTE: selector (json) – JSON object describing criteria used to select documents.

More information : https://docs.couchdb.org/en/stable/api/database/find.html

Example response from CouchDb:

Couch find response

Retrieving a view

Views are the primary tool used for querying and reporting on CouchDB documents.

Required parameters:

  • View url

Reference for view :https://docs.couchdb.org/en/3.2.0/ddocs/views/intro.html#what-is-a-view

Couch get view

Optional parameters:

  • Start key
  • End key
  • Limit
  • Skip

Click on the run button to run the query.


startkey (json) – Return records starting with the specified key.

endkey (json) – Stop returning records when the specified key is reached.

limit (number) – Limit the number of the returned documents to the specified number.

skip (number) – Skip this number of records before starting to return the results. Default is 0.

Example response from CouchDb:

"total_rows": 4,
"offset": 0,
"rows": [
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f000dc2",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f000dc2",
"value": {
"rev": "1-0cc7f48876f15883394e5c139c628123"
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00216e",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00216e",
"value": {
"rev": "1-b3c45696b10cb08221a335ff7cbd8b7a"
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00282a",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f00282a",
"value": {
"rev": "1-da5732beb913ecbded309321cac892d2"
"id": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f002cbd",
"key": "23212104e60a71edb42ebc509f002cbd",
"value": {
"rev": "1-ca5bb3c0767eb42ea6c33eee3d395b59"
