
Appwrite Database

Now build applications on top of your Appwrite database.


ToolJet connects to your Appwrite app using :

  • Host (API endpoint)
  • Project ID
  • Secret key

You'll find the Secret key and other credentials on your Appwrite's project settings page. You may need to create a new key if you don't have one already.


You should also set the scope for access to a particular resource. Learn more about the API keys and scopes here.

To connect Appwrite datasource to your ToolJet application, go to the data source manager on the left-sidebar and click on the + button. Select Appwrite from the list of available datasources, provide the credentials and click Save. It is recommended to check the connection by clicking on 'Test connection' button to verify if the service account can access Appwrite from the ToolJet server.

Appwrite intro

Querying Appwrite

After setting up the Appwrite datasource, you can click on the + button of the query manager at the bottom panel of the editor and select the Appwrite data source that you added in the previous step.

Appwrite intro

After selecting Appwrite datasource, select the operation that you want to perform on the Appwrite database and click Save to save the query.


Query results can be transformed using Transformations. Read our Transformation documentation here

Supported operations

  1. List documents
  2. Get document
  3. Create document
  4. Update document
  5. Delete document
  6. Bulk update using document id

List documents

This operation can be used to get a list of all the user documents.

Required parameters:

  • Collection ID: You can create a new collection using the Database service server integration or appwrite console. The value for collection ID field should be of String type.

Optional parameters:

  • Limit: Maximum number of documents to return in the response. By default, it will return a maximum of 25 results. A maximum of 100 results is allowed per request. The Limit value should be of integer type.
  • Order fields: Array of attributes used to sort results. The order field value should be an array.
  • Order types: Array of order directions for sorting attributes. Possible values are DESC for descending order or ASC for ascending order. The order field value should be an array.
  • Field, Operator, and Value: For filtering the results, you can enter a field(attribute) name, use the appropriate operator from the dropdown, and set a value.
Appwrite List

Get document

Use this operation to get a document from a collection by its unique ID.

Required parameters:

  • Collection ID: You can create a new collection using the Database service server integration or appwrite console. The value for collection ID should be of String type.

  • Document ID: Enter the document ID of the document that you want to get. The document ID should be of String type.

Appwrite get

Add Document to Collection

Use this operation to create a new document in a collection.

Required parameters:

  • Collection ID: You can create a new collection using the Database service server integration or appwrite console. The collection ID should be of String type.

  • Body: Enter the document data as a JSON object.

Appwrite add

Update document

Use this operation to update a document.

Required parameters:

  • Collection ID: You can create a new collection using the Database service server integration or appwrite console. The value for collection ID should be of String type.

  • Document ID: Enter the document ID of the document that you want to get. The document ID should be of String type.

  • Body: Enter the document data as a JSON object.

Appwrite update

Delete document

Use this operation for deleting a document in the collection.

Required parameters:

  • Collection ID: You can create a new collection using the Database service server integration or appwrite console. The value for collection ID should be of String type.

  • Document ID: Enter the document ID of the document that you want to get. The document ID should be of String type.

Appwrite delete

Bulk update using document id

Use this operation for bulk updating a document in a collection.

Required parameters:

  • Collection ID: You can create a new collection using the Database service server integration or appwrite console. The value for collection ID should be of String type.

  • Key for document ID: Enter the key or attribute name that can be used to identify each record.

  • Records: The array of objects that will contain the data for updating each record in the database and these objects must contain a key-value pair to point unique record in the database (key for document)

Appwrite bulk update