
Deploying ToolJet using Docker Compose

Follow the steps below to deploy ToolJet on a server using Docker Compose. ToolJet requires a PostgreSQL database to store applications definitions, (encrypted) credentials for datasources and user authentication data.


If you rather want to try out ToolJet on your local machine with Docker, you can follow the steps here.

Installing Docker and Docker Compose

Install docker and docker-compose on the server.

Deployment options

There are two options to deploy ToolJet using Docker Compose:

  1. Using an external PostgreSQL database. This setup is recommended if you want to use a managed PostgreSQL service such as AWS RDS or Google Cloud SQL.
  2. Using in-built PostgreSQL database. This setup uses the official Docker image of PostgreSQL.

Confused about which setup to select? Feel free to ask the community via Slack: https://tooljet.com/slack.


We recommend using the managed PostgreSQL service on production for ease of administration, security, and management (backups, monitoring, etc). If you'd want to run postgres with persistent volume rather, curl for the alternate docker compose file shared in the next step.

  1. Setup a PostgreSQL database and make sure that the database is accessible.

  2. Download our production docker-compose file into the server.

    curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToolJet/ToolJet/main/deploy/docker/docker-compose.yaml
  3. Create .env file in the current directory (where the docker-compose.yaml file is downloaded):

    curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ToolJet/ToolJet/main/deploy/docker/.env.example
    mv .env.example .env

    Set up environment variables in .env file as explained in environment variables reference

    TOOLJET_HOST environment variable can either be the public ipv4 address of your server or a custom domain that you want to use.

    Examples: TOOLJET_HOST= or TOOLJET_HOST=https://yourdomain.com or TOOLJET_HOST=https://tooljet.yourdomain.com


    Please make sure that TOOLJET_HOST starts with either http:// or https://


    If there are self signed HTTPS endpoints that Tooljet needs to connect to, please make sure that NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable is set to the absolute path containing the certificates.

  4. Once you've populated the .env file, run


    Kindly uncomment PostgREST service within the docker-compose.yaml if you intend to use tooljet database.

    docker-compose up -d

    to start all the required services.


    If you're running a linux server, docker might need sudo permissions. In that case you can either run: sudo docker-compose up -d or setup docker to run without root privileges by following the instructions written here https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/linux-postinstall/

  5. If you've set a custom domain for TOOLJET_HOST, add a A record entry in your DNS settings to point to the IP address of the server.