
Deploying ToolJet on Google Cloud Run


You should setup a PostgreSQL database manually to be used by ToolJet.

Follow the steps below to deploy ToolJet on Cloud run with gcloud CLI.

Deploying ToolJet application

  1. Cloud Run requires prebuilt image to be present within cloud registry. You can pull specific tooljet image from docker hub and then tag with your project to push it to cloud registry.

    gcloud auth configure-docker
    docker pull tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest
    docker tag tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest
    docker push gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest
  2. Deploy new cloud run service


This command takes the assumption that certain required environment has already been created in secrets. If you haven't created already then use the secret manager.

gcloud run deploy tooljet-ce --image gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest  \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1Gi \
--min-instances 1 \
--set-env-vars "TOOLJET_HOST=https://<replace-your-public-host>.com" \
--set-secrets "PG_HOST=PG_HOST:latest" \
--set-secrets "PG_DB=PG_DB:latest" \
--set-secrets "PG_USER=PG_USER:latest" \
--set-secrets "PG_PASS=PG_PASS:latest" \
--set-secrets "SECRET_KEY_BASE=SECRET_KEY_BASE:latest" \
--args "npm,run,start:prod"

Update TOOLJET_HOST environment variable if you want to use the default url assigned with Cloud run after the initial deploy.


If you are using Public IP for Cloud SQL, then database host connection (value for PG_HOST) needs to be set using unix socket format, /cloudsql/<CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME>. Additionally you will also have to set this flag with the above command:

   --set-cloudsql-instances <CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME> 

where <CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME> is the name of the connection to your Cloud SQL instance, which you can find on its settings page.

  1. Create default user (Optional)

Signing up requires SMTP configuration to be done, but if you want to start off with default user you can run the command by modifying the args flag for a one time usage.

gcloud run deploy <replace-service-name> \
--image gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest \
--args "npm,run,--prefix,server,db:seed"

The deployment will fail as it runs a seed script. Check logs to see that default user was created. Now run the following command to have the app deployed.

gcloud run deploy <replace-service-name> \
--image gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-ce:latest \
--args "npm,run,start:prod"

The default username of the admin is dev@tooljet.io and the password is password.

Deploying only ToolJet server

  1. Cloud Run requires prebuilt image to be present within cloud registry. You can pull specific tooljet image from docker hub and then tag with you project to push it to cloud registry.

    gcloud auth configure-docker
    docker pull tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest
    docker tag tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest
    docker push gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest
  2. Deploy new cloud run service


This command takes the assumption that certain required environment has already been created in secrets. If you haven't created already then use the secret manager.

gcloud run deploy tooljet-server-ce --image gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest  \
--allow-unauthenticated \
--cpu 1 \
--memory 1Gi \
--min-instances 1 \
--set-env-vars "SERVE_CLIENT=false" \
--set-env-vars "TOOLJET_HOST=https://<replace-your-public-host>.com" \
--set-secrets "PG_HOST=PG_HOST:latest" \
--set-secrets "PG_DB=PG_DB:latest" \
--set-secrets "PG_USER=PG_USER:latest" \
--set-secrets "PG_PASS=PG_PASS:latest" \
--set-secrets "SECRET_KEY_BASE=SECRET_KEY_BASE:latest" \
--args "npm,run,start:prod"

If you are using Public IP for Cloud SQL, then database host connection (value for PG_HOST) needs to be set using unix socket format, /cloudsql/<CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME>. Additionally you will also have to set this flag with the above command:

   --set-cloudsql-instances <CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME> 

where <CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME> is the name of the connection to your Cloud SQL instance, which you can find on its settings page.


If there are self signed HTTPS endpoints that Tooljet needs to connect to, please make sure that NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable is set to the absolute path containing the certificates. The certificate can be mount as a volume onto the container using secrets.

  1. Create default user (Optional)

Signing up requires SMTP configuration to be done, but if you want to start off with default user you can run the command by modifying the args flag for a one time usage.

gcloud run deploy <replace-service-name> \
--image gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest \
--args "npm,run,db:seed:prod"

The deployment will fail as it only runs a seed script. Check logs to see that default user was created. Now run the following command to have the app deployed.

gcloud run deploy <replace-service-name> \
--image gcr.io/<replace-your-project-id>/tooljet/tooljet-server-ce:latest \
--args "npm,run,start:prod"

The default username of the admin is dev@tooljet.io and the password is password.