


You should setup a PostgreSQL database manually to be used by the ToolJet server.

Follow the steps below to deploy ToolJet on AWS EC2 instances.

  1. Setup a PostgreSQL database and make sure that the database is accessible from the EC2 instance.

  2. Login to your AWS management console and go to the EC2 management page.

  3. Under the Images section, click on the AMIs button.

  4. Find the ToolJet version you want to deploy. Now, from the AMI search page, select the search type as "Public Images" and input the version you'd want AMI Name : tooljet_vX.X.X.ubuntu_bionic in the search bar.

  5. Select ToolJet's AMI and bootup an EC2 instance.

    Creating a new security group is recommended. For example, if the installation should receive traffic from the internet, the inbound rules of the security group should look like this:

    tcp22your IP
  1. Once the instance boots up, SSH into the instance by running ssh -i <path_to_pem_file> ubuntu@<public_ip_of_the_instance>

  2. Switch to the app directory by running cd ~/app. Modify the contents of the .env file. ( Eg: vim .env )

    The default .env file looks like this:

    PG_USER=<pg user name>
    PG_HOST=<pg host>
    PG_PASS=<pg user password>

    Read environment variables reference


    If there are self signed HTTPS endpoints that Tooljet needs to connect to, please make sure that NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable is set to the absolute path containing the certificates.

  3. TOOLJET_HOST environment variable determines where you can access the ToolJet client. It can either be the public ipv4 address of your instance or a custom domain that you want to use.

    Examples: TOOLJET_HOST= or TOOLJET_HOST=https://yourdomain.com or TOOLJET_HOST=https://tooljet.yourdomain.com


    We use a lets encrypt plugin on top of nginx to create TLS certificates on the fly.


    Please make sure that TOOLJET_HOST starts with either http:// or https://

  4. Once you've configured the .env file, run ./setup_app. This script will install all the dependencies of ToolJet and then will start the required services.

  5. If you've set a custom domain for TOOLJET_HOST, add a A record entry in your DNS settings to point to the IP address of the EC2 instance.

  6. You're all done, ToolJet client would now be served at the value you've set in TOOLJET_HOST.

Deploying Tooljet Database

ToolJet AMI comes inbuilt with PostgREST. If you intend to use this feature, you'd only have to setup the environment variables in ~/app/.env file and run ./setup_app script.

You can learn more about this feature here.